On Empathy

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Making impactful media is about understanding your audience and what they value. If you understand the needs of your client or audience, you’re more likely to effectively deliver outstanding content and what better way to understand a client than through empathizing?

Empathy is the ability to understand and relate to the feelings of someone else, often described as “putting yourself in someone else’s shoes”.

Prudy Gourguechon, critical decision psychologist, writes about how employing empathy in our everyday work can help us to “make better predictions, craft better tactics, inspire loyalty and communicate clearly”. While it’s easy to think about empathy as a soft skill, Gourguechon makes a case for why empathy is absolutely necessary to being effective not only in our personal lives, but especially in our work.

In a business that is increasingly personalized through targeted ads and niche content communities on the internet, it’s more important than ever to be able to make predictions and understand what it is that audiences are looking for.

To get inspired on why empathy is important to learn in order to fuel success, read the full article.

Read the full article (7m)

Spotlight of the Week: RAF 

The way in which women are characterized in advertising has long been critiqued for being unoriginal and relying on stereotypes. However, this advertisement from Sara Dunlop, Engine, and the Royal Air Force is changing the game. Their belief that “women should be defined by actions not clichés” is reflected in the advertisement in an effective, engaging, and inspiring way.

Watch the spot (1m)

Social Media in Support of Social Causes 

Between kickstarters for inspiring causes and online campaigns like #MeToo, social media has played a large role in advancing progressive social causes.

This past week, platforms showed their support for International Women’s Day by actively building features that will help to raise awareness for the day as well as Women’s History Month. These efforts included Snapchat filters, Facebook stickers, and Twitter hashtags to raise awareness.

While there’s a troubling amount of news about the tragedies in the world, it’s refreshing to see an intentional effort to move social causes forward in media, especially on platforms like social media that are primarily user driven.

Learn more about Facebook’s themed stickers by clicking below:
 Click to learn more (7m)


What Stands In The Way, Becomes The Way