Extraordinary Times Call For Extraordinary People


“Extraordinary people survive under the most terrible circumstances
and become more extraordinary because of it”
– Robertson Davies

It's been 15 years since marketing guru Seth Godin released his bestseller "The Dip". These days the entire world is facing a Dip and it seems extra wide and three times as deep. Perhaps that's why the ideas from the book are more inspiring than ever:

'The Dip' is defined as the long stretch between starting and mastery. Between beginner’s luck and real accomplishment. 

If it’s worth doing there’s going to be a Dip.

It’s human nature to quit when it hurts. But extraordinary things come to the tiny minority who push just a tiny bit longer than most.

Knowing that you’re facing a Dip is the first step in getting through it.

Extraordinary people don’t just ride out the Dip.  The lean into it. They push harder, changing the rules as they go. They treat the Dip like the opportunity it really is.

Someone is going to come out the other side. Someone is going to be brave enough and focused enough to be the best available option. Might as well be you.

Just because you know you’re in a Dip doesn’t mean you have to live happily with it. Dips don’t last quite as long when you whittle away at them.

Extraordinary people understand that a little pain now prevents a lot of pain later.

And my favourite part is how Seth ends his book:

"You’re astonishing.  How dare you waste it. Go ahead and makes something happen. Right now."

Get the book here


A Shift In Perspective