On Trust

"Let everything happen to you. Beauty and terror. Just keep going.
No feeling is final.”

                           – Rainer Maria Rilke


Maybe you’ve heard of this exercise. Standing before a group, someone takes a sheet of white paper and makes a little black dot in the centre. That person shows the sheet to the people in the audience and asks them what they see. The majority will say that they see a black dot. Very few, if any, will report that they see a clean sheet of paper surrounding a tiny black dot.

We tend to look at our lives in very much the same way.  We have so many bright, positive areas but we don’t focus on those. We focus on the tiny spots that darken us.
Under the current circumstances, it may seem that our black dots have grown in size. But now more than ever it’s important that we focus on the brighter areas.
Albert Einstein once said “there are two ways to live your life: one way is as though nothing is a miracle; the other is as though everything is a miracle.”
A few weeks ago Simon Sinek shared the following words of encouragement to his team:
“These are not unprecedented times. There have been many cases where something unexpected happened that put many companies and many people out of work. Some just stopped. But many reinvented and came back stronger. This may be more sudden and this may be more shocking. But these are not unprecedented times. So the question is not how will we get through this? but rather, how are we going to change in order to get through this? "
Sure, things aren’t perfect. But at least we know they’re real. And we take solace in the fact that we don't have to do it alone.


So Things Aren’t Perfect, Now What?


Letting Go