One Crazy Original


Do what you believe in. Paint a picture of the future. Go there. 
People will follow.
                            - Seth Godin

Sometimes all you need to start a movement is to be 'one crazy original'.

It's been over a decade since Seth Godin published his book Tribes: We need you to lead us but the message remains relevant. To illustrate how movements are started click here and watch this guy who starts a dance party in less a minute. 

As a refresher, here are a few important takeaways from Tribes:

1. “There is an explosion of new tools available to help lead the tribes you are forming.”
2. “All of it is worthless if you don’t decide to lead. You can’t have a tribe without a leader– and you can’t be a leader without a tribe.”
3. Anyone can lead. Your tribe doesn't need to be large. 
4. Money shouldn't be the point of your movement.
5. “Changing the status quo gives you the opportunity to be remarkable.”

Consider a recent movement against the status quo of garish Halloween costumes. 'One crazy original' in Japan started the "Jimi Halloween" movement which celebrates mundane halloween costumes.

But can 'one crazy original' save the planet?

YouTube sensation MrBeast seems to think so. After hitting 20 million YouTube subscribers, he was urged by his fans to plant 20 million trees in celebration. Using many of the tactics laid out in "Tribes", Beast took up the challenge and planted 300 trees on day one. Knowing he'd need more help he called out to his subscribers and raised the number to 1700 on the 2nd day.

And thus begun the movement. 

As of this writing, over 600 YouTubers have joined in. Elon Musk donated 1 million dollars (and even changed his Twitter name to Treelon Musk), Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey donated $150,000 and Norwegian DJ/ record producer Alan Walker gave $100,001.

And although money wasn't the motivator, it should be noted that MrBeast's subscription base grew from 20 million to over 30 million in a matter of days.

Having the guts to be 'one crazy original' certainly has its benefits.


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