Things to remember when the world gets scary


"Fear has a large shadow, but he himself is small."
                                    – Ruth Gendler

Today's sentiment comes from Josh Spector and his article "45 things to remember when the world gets scary". We've curated a few of the ones that made us feel better and hope it does the same for you.

1. This isn’t the first time the world has been scary and it won’t be the last.

2. The vast majority of people care. About their friends. About strangers. About you.

3. Even if this “moment” lasts for six months, that's only about 0.5% of your lifetime. 

4. Extend conversations that make you feel better. End ones that make you feel worse.

5. There will be moments in your day when you do the same things you did before the world turned upside down. Let them remind you not everything has changed.

6. The worst of your fears are unlikely to come true. If they do, you’ll cope with them better than you imagine.

7. The world has never been more prepared to deal with what’s happening — we have more collective knowledge, technology, and resources than at any time in history.

8. The unknown is scary, but it’s nothing new. Before this we didn't know what was going to happen next. We just convinced ourselves that we did.

9. Your words and actions influence how scary the world appears to those around you. Choose them wisely.

10. There’s something you can do to help. Find it. Do it.

11. There will come a day that’s better than today. It may be tomorrow.

12. The entire world is working together right now to solve this one single problem. And they will.

As always, wishing good health and peace of mind to you and those you care about. 

Read the full list (3m)


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