Why Inspiration Matters


“Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.” — Pablo Picasso

Depending who you ask, the concept of inspiration is either the lifeblood of the creative soul, or a commonplace excuse for the apathetic artist. In his article 'Why Inspiration Matters' Scott Barry Kaufman presents research that claims that inspiration can not only be activated, captured and manipulated, but that it can have a major effect on our well-being as well. 

Inspired people are buoyant: According to the "inspiration scale", which measures the frequency with which a person experiences inspiration in their daily lives, inspired people share similar characteristics. They're more open to new experiences for example, and become more absorbed in their work. Inspired people believe in their own abilities and are overall more optimistic.

Inspiration increases our well-being: people exposed to short-bursts of inspiration have long-lasting increases in positive energy and have higher overall levels of purpose and gratitude.

Inspiration facilitates achievement people with more instances of general inspiration in their lives also tend to set inspired goals, which are then more likely to be successfully attained.  It's important to note that the relationship between inspiration and goal progress is reciprocal: current goal progress leads to future goal inspiration.

So... how can I get some of that??

Contrary to the view that inspiration is purely mythical or divine, Kaufman says there are things you can do to increase the occurrence of inspiration. First, exposure to inspiring role models, thought leaders and heroes will have a positive effect. Second, a series of small accomplishments will boost inspiration setting off a productive, creative cycle. Third, and perhaps most important is preparation. As Picasso quoted above states "it has to find you working". Getting to work before inspiration hits prepares the mind for the inspirational experience, an essential condition for inspiration.

Read the article (5m)

No doubt you're aware that video is the best performing digital content type, and that you should likely be adding video into your social media marketing strategy.

But what types of video content should you be creating - and which formats and options are gaining momentum? Thanks to Social Media Today and the team from Branex for bringing us this handy infographic of 7 trends that could help you decide. Here are a few of our faves:

1. Go live, young man: With live videos becoming more and more common expect to see more live Q+As and Ask Me Anything sessions.

2. Further immersion: As immersive tech becomes more adopted businesses will continue to wow their audiences with 360 and VR.

3. The end of an era: With more and more people watching YouTube over traditional television, more and more advertisers will ditch traditional TV spots in place of YouTube ads.

4. Teach a man to fish: videos will play a big role in education. Expect to see a continued rise in paid video courses.

Check out the infographic


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