How To Get Stuff Done By Giving Things Up


In an increasingly digital world where new technologies and trends emerge everyday, it’s important to learn how to adapt. 

Expert consultant in digital organization and transformation Martin Danoesastro has long studied what it takes to make an impact in an industry that moves fast and is constantly changing. In his 2018 TED Talk “What are you willing to give up to change the way we work?”, he makes a bold case for why organizations that are built on bureaucracy and that only have room for one leader often stifle innovation.

First, he paints a picture of departments separated by floors that require multiple handovers to move projects forward, meetings that go on for hours without getting anything done, and an endless chain of command that prohibits creative freedom. In a digital business, this seems ludicrous.

In contrast, Danoesastro presents a model that includes shared workspaces, multidisciplinary teams, and more autonomous decision making. With only a few adjustments to the team’s structure, communication is stronger, work flow is more efficient, and most importantly team members feel empowered and motivated to do the best work they can. 

Danoesastro says the secret to a creative, fast, and flexible team that is aligned on goals while also being creatively autonomous is staying true to the “why” and not losing sight of the reason that the team exists in the first place.

In order to change the way an organization works, new behaviours means giving up old behaviours as well. However, in a world where everyone is connected, consumers expect things instantaneously, and change is the only certainty, change has to start at home.

Watch the talk (13m)

Understanding Gen Z: The next generation
of super creatives

This month, both Snapchat and Spotify released reports on the content trends of Gen Z as their economic, political, and social power increases. Snapchat’s report Into Z Future estimates the purchasing power of Gen Z at “$44 billion in the United States alone, with some estimates putting this figure much higher, making their engagement a boon for brands”. With market demographics shifting and younger generations becoming increasingly relevant, here are some of the most prominent findings from the reports that could help you and your brand grab their attention:

Gen Z takes pride in authenticity, and they expect the same authenticity from brands. The days of perfectly curated photos are slowly being replaced with off-the-cuff live videos and “finsta” accounts that prioritize spontaneous self expression over perfection. While Millennial pink may grab the attention of some, the use of film filter apps like Huji are on the rise.

Social causes take the forefront of Gen Z purchasing and content consumption habits. Gen Z grew up in an era of social progress, and have used their online platforms to explore and challenge societal norms. It should come as no surprise that they expect brands to follow suit. According to Spotify’s report, 68% of Gen Z said “brands need to promote more progressive values and play a more meaningful role in society”. 

Creativity is multi-platform and multimedia. Those in Gen Z aren’t afraid to mix the content they post and consume between video, music, augmented reality, illustration, and other media. In order to get their attention, try diversifying media and platforms experiences.

Whether you’re ready or not, Gen Z is quickly becoming a powerful force of creative, socially conscious, authentic consumers and if you want to stay relevant, it’s important to learn to adapt.

Read the Snapchat report

Read the Spotify report


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