Burn Bright, Not Out


In 2019, The World Health Organization declared burnout to be an “occupational phenomenon” and is now included as an official medical diagnosis. According to a 2018 poll, burnout makes employees more likely to take sick days, to seek other employment, and even to visit the emergency room. So what can we do about it?

Hamza Khan is a multi-award winning marketer and entrepreneur, and a self identified “recovering overachiever”. In 2017, he published his book The Burnout Gamble after his TED talk by the same name struck a chord with online audiences. He felt the need to speak out about his experiences in hopes of teaching how to achieve more without burning yourself out.

In both his book and his talk, he illustrates the 12 stages of burnout along with tools to help identify if you may be at risk. Through compelling and deeply personal stories, Khan shows how resilience and awareness can lead to better outcomes. 

Not only does curbing burnout make employees healthier, it leads to higher productivity, improved creativity, and increased happiness and satisfaction at work. If we want better outcomes at work, learning about burnout is a must.

To learn more about building a culture of resilience rather than burnout, you can buy his book The Burnout Gamble here.

Watch the talk (20m)


Advertising as a force for good

Continuing the conversation from its award-winning film “The Talk,” Procter & Gamble recently released a new film designed to spark reflection and conversation on the discriminatory biases we all hold in some form or another. Watch the new spot below and be sure to a look at last year's equally thought-provoking film by clicking here.

Watch the spot (1m)


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