Meditation and Life at Orange


Here at Orange, meditation has become a daily practice and a huge part of our culture, especially in such a fast paced industry. Twice per day we gather as a team and take 20 minutes to close our eyes and slow down. We can't say enough about how impactful meditation has been in our lives both personally and professionally and this isn't the first time we've covered it in our newsletter - but how does it impact business, sales, or even customer relations?

Former meditation skeptic and Senior Contributor at Forbes, Stephanie Denning, writes about how meditation changed her life, not only personally, but in her work life. In the article she showcases business leaders who swear by the practice and the successes they attribute to meditation.

In her interview with Elizabeth and Sukey Novogratz, authors of the book Just Sit: A Meditation Guidebook for People Who Know They Should But Don't, we hear about more than just the results. The two explain how meditation impacts the brain over time and why it's proven to be so effective. The benefits at work include better decision making, less stress, and more resilience.

Read the article to find out for yourself and give meditation a try.

Photo by Christopher Katsarov / The Globe and Mail.

Read the article (5 mins)

Keeping Calm - Life at Orange

Speaking of mindfulness and meditation, The Orange Lounge was mentioned in an article from the New York Times this past week detailing a recording session for the popular meditation app "Calm".

The article highlights the work of Spencer Sunshine, one of our finest engineers and an absolute ray of sunshine to all of us here. Spencer works with Tamara Levitt to record the soft and relaxing meditations that over 52 million users have access to. It's not easy to build a relationship between one woman and millions of users, but Spencer does it with ease. When working with clients whose values align with our own, the results are amazing.

The author of the article, Amanda Hess, details her experience with Levitt's hypnotizing voice, her visit to the Orange studio, and the importance of meditation in an increasingly busy world:

"We are often said to be living in an “attention economy” where advertisers and content creators and technologies are competing to gobble up the scarce resource of human attention. Calm wants your attention too, but it wants you to pay attention to thinking about attention — and the ways you waste it on self-hatred and stress and the endless scroll of social media."

Don't believe us? Read for yourself.

Read the article (10 mins)


Finding Meaning at Work


The Power of Mindset