The Power of Mindset


Austrian psychotherapist Viktor Frankl viewed life through a different lens than most. In 1942, he and his family were taken prisoner by Nazi Germany and spent more than three years in concentration camps. On a daily basis his family endured unthinkable circumstances. Despite these conditions Frankl was relentless in his quest to figure out why some survived and some didn’t – why some persevered while others gave up hope. 

In Frankl's search to explain the perseverance that fuelled his survival, he notes that “if we choose to pay attention, we will find life is constantly knocking at our door, presenting us opportunities in the form of a choice or decision. And when we default to optimism, — it nearly always increases the odds for better results."

In his recent article "The Power of Mindset”, Forbes contributor Ryan Wines takes Frankl’s heart-wrenching story and applies the lessons to modern life, with special emphasis on those who consider themselves creative leaders. "A positive mindset can literally open up better possibilities and increase the odds of better results". 

Frankl wrote, “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.” No matter how hopeless a situation may seem, consider it an opportunity to choose your mindset despite life's circumstances.

Read the article to consider how this thinking can impact your life.

Read the article (10 mins)


Simplicity Make a Roar

The long anticipated remake of the childhood classic, The Lion King, is set to be released in theatres this Friday, and the internet couldn't be more excited.

Known for the star-studded cast, out of this world animation, and haunting nostalgia, audiences are absolutely buzzing about the film and any details they can get their hands on.

This week, new posters were released that feature the celebrity voice actors facing the characters they voice. While the concept is seemingly simple, they've left a bold mark that fuses together both the nostalgia of the past with the rising stars of today.

These posters are a reminder that even the most basic ideas done right can make a huge impact.

Take a look for yourself:

See the posters and read more (2 mins)


Meditation and Life at Orange


Be Your Best Self