On chaos and uncertainty


“I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.”
— Mark Twain

When we start and end each day with concerned COVID-19 conversations, it can be difficult to keep perspective. We hope to start your day today with a little less anxiousness, by sharing these words from Seth Godin:

When there is chaos, we have two choices:

We can buy into the stress, the noise and the craziness and make it even more chaotic. That’s certainly how chaos spreads. It feels like the right thing to do – to join in on the anxiety.

But it’s not.

In fact, choose to be less anxious. More anxiety doesn’t help anyone, and probably makes it harder for those in need. If you’re needed, then help. But if you’re not, don't amplify the chaos. Consider a different path. 

When the world changes, it’s easy to feel stressed. When we’re surrounded by people who are also seeking control over an uncontrollable situation, it magnifies those feelings. It’s okay, probably even helpful, to begin by clarifying the emotions that we are feeling. Panic is never a useful plan.

People rarely say, “I wish I’d panicked more.” 

Panic is a choice, and so is productive energy.

Day by day, step by step, the present becomes the future, and we make the best decisions that we can.

Good health and peace of mind to you and those you care about.


A Little Bit of Awesome


A new perspective on when things go bad