Be Your Best Self


Living your best life can look different for everyone, whether that be getting a promotion at work, going on that luxurious vacation, or spending money on a shopping spree. To Ryan Estis, it's a simple cup of coffee.

This week we're highlighting the story of a barista named Lily working a shift on Christmas Eve that changed Ryan's perspective on life.

While it's easy to lose sight of why you're doing what you're doing and to get caught up in the day to day, this talk is a stark reminder that there's importance in even the most mundane tasks and that what we do has an impact on those around us - whether we want it to or not.

We hope this talk starts your week with a positive focus and allows you to see the joy and purpose in all that you do. When you choose to show up everyday as your best authentic self, it gives you an opportunity to make a meaningful and lasting impact on those around you.

So what kind of impact will you make?

Watch the video (6 mins)


Nike Celebrates U.S. Women's Soccer Win
"We'll keep fighting, not just to make history, but to change it forever"

Minutes after the U.S. Women's National Team won the World Cup, Nike released an inspiring and motivating ad that pays tribute to the soccer champs, while touting a message of empowerment for women and girls in sports and in general.

The ad coincides not just with the women's victory but also with the battle the team has led for equal pay. And while it celebrates the win, it also celebrates the young girls and women who watched it, while giving a nod to gender disparities around the world.

Watch the spot (1 min)


The Power of Mindset


Burn Bright, Not Out